Nintendo awarded $12 million in ROM piracy case

Published , by Brittany Vincent

The owners of ROM sites and have agreed to pay Nintendo $12 million after admitting to direct and indirect copyright and trademark infringement while running the ROM destinations.

After Nintendo filed a complaint via federal court in Arizona calling both and out on hosting ROMs, the operators took the sites offline as the news spread to other sites who did the same thing. Nintendo and the married couple have been involved in settlement discussions, and now it appears they're one step closer to bringing the legal drama to a close.

According to TorrentFreak, the couple has agreed to a judgment that's over $12 million: $12,230,000 to be exact.

The ridiculously high amount of money is likely so high in a bid to scare off other potential ROM site owners, and it's possible the couple could end up owing far less to the big N. There's also a permanent injunction in place, which means the parties agreed on action that will prevent them from infringing on copyright in the future. The couple must sign over and to Nintendo and give up all their Nintendo games and emulators.

The judgment has yet to be signed off on by a judge, but this is more than likely how the suit will end. Stay tuned to Shacknews for additional updates.