Heroes of the Storm developers discuss live events and potential new heroes

Published , by Kevin Tucker

Part of Blizzard's overall plan for games like Heroes of the Storm involves making constant updates and adjustments. Along the way, the team also likes to throw in brand-new and fan-requested features, or possibly even ruminate on the things they themselves would like to introduce into the game. Shacknews had a chance to catch up with some Heroes of the Storm developers at BlizzCon 2018 to talk about the latest additions to the popular MOBA title, including live events, plans leading into 2019, and which heroes they themselves would like to see land in the game.

As far as interviews go, this one is a doozie. The Blizzard team discusses just about everything there is to discuss with regard to modern Heroes of the Storm, including new timed events like Nexomania, anime-inspired mecha content, and all the ways in which Blizzard hopes to keep the game's core players engaged. In particular, they also mention the types of heroes they'd like to see added to the game:

"I would like to see an elder god put [into the game]. I won't say my favorite, but I would love to see an elder god, and see if we could do something really massive with it."

Be sure to check out the full interview above to keep on top of all the latest details. Beyond that, follow both Shacknews and GamerHub.tv over on YouTube to stay informed with videos and interviews covering the gaming industry's hottest talents and biggest conventions.