CD Projekt Red's digital marketplace GOG pulls #WontBeErased tweet, apologizes

Published , by Charles Singletary Jr

On a monumental week for the platform, GOG has come under fire for a tasteless tweet. No entity is quick enough to overcome the speed of the internet with a tweet-and-delete, something GOG learned after removing a tweet taking a shot at the #WontBeErased hashtag for promo.

Eurogamer reported on the tweet from the tweet GOG, which is tasteless from top to bottom. The content in the tweet also could have done without the extra jab at the end. It starts with "Classic PC Games #WontBeErased on our watch" which, alone, can be seen as hitching some promo of the site's non-DRM marketplace onto a hot-button issue. With the add-on of "Yeah, how's that for some use of hashtags", many inferences can be drawn including a potential distaste for the LGBTQ community's utilization of the hashtag.

The #WontBeErased hashtag focuses on the regular attacks on human rights for people that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ). Specifically, a leaked memo from the Trump administration states plans to define transgender people "out of existence."

The tweet seems to make light of transgender issues and was deleted, either after someone responded to the tweet while it was live or via an internal discussion. GOG is helmed by CD Projekt Red, which had its own social media team under fire for a "Did you just assume my gender?!" tweet that also made light of issues. Today, the company responded with this:

What do you think of this, Chatty? Should GOG just keep its social media team focused on games? Let us know and Stay tuned to Shacknews for additional updates.