Super Bomberman R update adds 10 new characters, 3 Castlevania stages, and other goodies

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Konami continues to update its impossibly adorable action game Super Bomberman R with lots of cool new content, including new characters and stages based on familiar Konami franchise. For the latest update, 10 new characters, 8 Shiny Bombers, and 3 new Castlevania stages have bee added to the game across all platforms. You'll have to unlock them in the in-game store using gems you earn while playing, but they'll be in the game as of the latest update!

There's also the addition of new Bomber Time events that happen for a limited time only, which are scheduled online events that let players earn double BP and gems when utilizing the Online Battle Mode. In short, there's a lot to do that you may not have seen before. The new character list includes:

If this looks like it's all up your alley (and it very well should be) you can grab this update now and try out all the fun new character, stages, and accessories! Let us know which Bomber character you're playing as next.