The Great Quakeholio Tournament 2018 - Final Boss Battle - Briefcase Man

Published , by Asif Khan

Lord_Reven had proved he had what it takes to become The Great Quakeholio Champion, but we didn't let him get away that easily. I descended from my throne to enter the Shackbattle Arena in a series of challenges. If Lord_Reven was able to defeat me in two out of three of the games, he would double his prize money to $6000. First, he had to score 50 kills against me in a Quake 1v1 deathmatch. Next, he would have to best me in a Commander Keen speedrun. Was he able to do it for Shacknews? Please take a look to find out.

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Be sure to check out the rest of The Great Quakeholio Tournament 2018, in case you missed any of the fun from our first Shacknews Electronic Sports tournament at QuakeCon.