The Great Quakeholio Tournament 2018 - Round 3 - Doom 2

Published , by Asif Khan

Each round witnessed the elimination of great competitors in the Shackbattle Arena at QuakeCon 2018. After the trials of round two's Quake 2 deathmatches, players were met with yet another challenge. Round three would see our remaining warriors compete in free-for-all deathmatches in Doom 2. This game was known for its groundbreaking multiplayer LAN capabilities back in the early 1990's and it holds up extremely well. Please take a look to see who survived Hell on Earth. 

For more great videos, including developer interviews and convention coverage for events like E3 or PAX, be sure to check out both Shacknews and over on YouTube.  

Be sure to check out the rest of The Great Quakeholio Tournament 2018, including Round 4 - Wolfenstein 3D Score Attack.