Until Dawn developer announces Man of Medan, part of new horror series

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Supermassive Games, the developer responsible for the excellent horror adventure Until Dawn, is finally back with a whole new repertoire of awesome to share with all of us. The company has just announced the upcoming Dark Pictures Anthology, a collection of stories meant to scare the pants off of you.

The first game in the series will be Man of Medan, a tropetastic tale that follows some unsuspecting Americans on a summer cruise. When they find themselves stranded, as is usually the case, they've got to contend with something even more heinous than sunburn: a haunted ghost ship from World War II.

Of course, this might all be a bit of spectacle meant to lure you in and keep you playing, and there could be something even more sinister at play. Whatever the case may be, it looks like the developer's back up to its amazing tricks, the same ones that made Until Dawn such a can't-miss experience. If you missed out on it, consider yourself having lost out on one of the PlayStation 4's most genuinely terrifying games. And if you think you know anything about what was actually going on from the trailers, well, consider yourself totally wrong.

Man of Medan looks like a much different affair, a schlocky horror movie at first glance, but I have a feeling it's going to come out swinging. Check out the trailer above and let us know what you think. Unfortunately, there's no projected release date just yet, but hopefully we can expect it soon.