Hearthstone: The Boomsday Project - Dr. Boom Mirror Puzzle Lab Solutions

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

Hearthstone players have racked their brain across The Boomsday's Project new Puzzle Lab single-player mode since it released on Tuesday. Now comes the time to go to work with Dr. Boom himself.

Shacknews is here to help out with each of the Dr. Boom Mirror puzzles, helping place everything in perfect symmetry and solve the bad doctor's mind-bending conundrums.

Puzzle #1 - Cruel Souls

This one should be fairly straightforward. Houndmaster Shaw is on-board to give your minions Rush and it should be fairly obvious that the first move is to use Prince Taldaram. Make clever use of the Kidnapper and victory should be simple.

Puzzle #2 - Ride the Wave

Now things get much more complicated. Dr. Boom wants to throw a monkey wrench into your plans with a Freezing Trap. Archbishop Benedictus can fix his little red wagon by setting up a 14 damage hit from Healing Wave, thanks to Auchenai Soulpriest.

Puzzle #3 - Hello Darkness

The degree of difficulty continues to escalate, as now there's a dormant Darkness on the board. There's no winning here, unless you can activate it, but it's actually not too difficult. Just don't fall for Archbishop Benedictus or King Togwaggle. They're decoys.

Puzzle #4 - The Ray of Roasting

This is a head-scratcher, mainly because you not only need to manage the 10-Mana Ray of Roasting, but you also have to beware of the Boom-in-a-Box that scores an instant kill if it's dispatched, unless you can somehow keep Mal'Ganis alive. Glinda Crowskin is the answer here, as her Echo power will prove immensely useful.

That's it for now! Come back later for more solutions to the devious Dr. Boom puzzles in Hearthstone's Puzzle Lab.