Gamescom 2018: New Cyberpunk 2077 screenshots provide first-person perspective of characters

Published , by Charles Singletary Jr

CD Projekt Red teased that a "system update" for the open-world RPG Cyberpunk 2077 would be coming today, and the first wave of reveals has officially arrived. A handful of screenshots were shared on the official Cyberpunk Twitter account, showing us the first-person perspective, some conflict, and more.

The conflict in the screenshot above seems like an interactive described in the Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay demo shown behind closed doors at E3 2018. Hopefully, we'll be able to see it in action sometime today.

CD Projekt Red's decision to create this game as a first-person experience is a major departure from the third-person experience in the Witcher series and will be a great test for the development team and REDengine 4. These screenshots are likely only the beginning, so stay tuned to Shacknews for additional updates from Gamescom 2018.