Walmart's exclusive $359.99 Switch bundle includes Mario Tennis Aces and 1-2-Switch

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Looking to grab a Nintendo Switch of your very own? Walmart is sweetening the deal with a lucrative bundle that's coming out just in time for the holidays, which are just around the corner. Again. Already. We just went through them, and it seems like hardly any time has passed.

The $359.99 bundle includes a Nintendo Switch system with regular gray Joy-Con controllers, as well as 1-2-Switch (which should have been a pack-in in the first place rather than a standalone game) and Mario Tennis Aces. Both family-friendly games are great beginnings for any Switch collection, especially Mario Tennis Aces. We awarded it a 9/10 in our review here at Shacknews, and it's one of the best riffs on Mario Tennis the series has seen in some time.

Unfortunately, the games you receive in the bundle aren't physical copies, but digital codes you can download when you get your Switch home and set up properly. This might be a dealbreaker for anyone who isn't looking to purchase additional storage for the system. Protip: You're going to want to purchase additional storage, because you're going to very quickly amass new games at a rate you won't be able to keep up with.

If you're trying to get prepared for the holidays since they're creeping up on us a lot quicker than we thought, make sure you go ahead and hit up the deal when it begins on September 5. It's worth saving a bit to get a jumpstart on your Switch game treasure trove.