Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
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    By: dopeman
    We laugh because of the methods we use to practice Agile development, but real talk - I'm pretty sure some guy was there cracking a whip every day to make sure it was being built to spec.

    It's not like a bunch of dudes were sitting there stacking rocks until it looked right - which is more like the classic example they always talk about in regards to kids designing a structure (and failing until they got it right) vs engineers employing a typical waterfall strategy.

    I'm also pretty sure that slave labor negates any consideration for efficiency, budget, and general whining of anyone who doesn't listen to the motherfucking Pharaoh.

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    By: [deleted] 614717367
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    By: the city
    as i said, was bad wording. it doesn't have to be like driving a car, as the point wasn't the rules of american roads but rather the intuitive rules of being yourself a fast-moving obstacle in an environment with potential risks

    the conversation really isn't that much different if he "hits a tree across the trail, an animal, another biker who's injured on the trail, something that can be reasonably expected when riding on a purpose-built trail" because the point is that whether something is 'reasonably' or 'unreasonably' expected does not actually change the fact that it's an obstacle in your path

    would it mean you wouldn't have a pair of absent minded hikers to be angry at? probably. but it doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't fly down a hill incapable of accommodating an unexpected obstacle - whether it's a "reasonable" one or "unreasonable" one as defined by your set of standards.

    if you're an adrenaline junkie by all means. but those are the terms you agree to when you hop on a tiny bike and fly down a mountain. the video in op literally even shows a giant sign at the trailhead:

    mountain biker's responsibility code

    "stay in control: you are responsible for avoiding objects and people"

    i still think the people are dipshits. i still think this is fucking horrific and sad. but it's an absolute inevitability to the extent you lose control - in their guidelines' words.
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    By: mr.sleepy
    I liked that about it. Just get to walk around and chill out with not much going on and explore areas.
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    By: opengl128
    not watching this, can't wait.
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    By: Schnapple
    It definitely did feel a lot more like the kind of show we signed up for in the first place.
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    By: d0gbert
    If you haven't been on a downhill bike trail it's understandable why you'd have this take on this other than being a troll, and I don't usually think of you a just a troill.

    Downhill only trails are difficult to be standing still on, much less actually stop on. This isn't like the other stuff you're describing and there is a danger to the activity of course, but you can't blame the rider here at all. Like it's not even necessarily about speed on these kinds of trails, you can be going 5mph and still barely be able to stop without hurting yourself in most places if you are surprised by someone standing in the way.

    Also worth saying these kinds of downhill only trails are similar to what's at a bike park, and if you did something like what the hikers did the park takes that shit extremely seriously. Cops and fines and all that shit.
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    By: d0gbert
    I feel like seeing texas scooter trash in a razr SxS going the wrong way at 40mph is just part of offroading in CO now.
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    By: ThomW
    Definitely spoilers, too. I wish I hadn't clicked. :/
  • 1 infs
    By: noobja
    I just want to chime in on this and other comments about lack of control, speed, etc. that maybe zerog83 hasn't quite explained or I missed in this sub-thread. In downhill mountain biking, it can be the exact opposite where going too slow or not having enough speed (and it can be fast speeds at times) means you arent making a jump or getting over obstacles and its actually MORE dangerous to the bikers to go slow.

    On the other hand, downhill MTBers know its on you to get off the trail if something happens as soon as possible because of the above fact. They dont have time to slow down and the line of sight is usually not too far, therefore if youre stopped on a trail barring a major injury, you need to gtfo the track asap.