Xi3 Piston News


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Valve distances itself from Xi3 Piston

By Steve Watts, Mar 12, 2013 8:15am PDT

Valve has distanced itself from the Xi3 Piston, saying the company did "exploratory work" with the company but currently has "no involvement" in the product.


"I think mentioning ANY price point is silly at this point since there hasnt been a feature set ..."

- Degenerate see all 17 comments

Xi3 Piston pre-orders open, user interface shown

By Steve Watts, Mar 11, 2013 9:00am PDT

The Xi3 Piston, better known as one of Valve's first Steam Boxes, had its user interface shown off at SXSW this weekend, just as pre-orders opened.


"Valve probably doesn't care what hardware as long as you are using the steam ecosystem. Same ..."

- TheEmissary see all 15 comments