Tribes Series Videos


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Tribes: Ascend Game of the Year Edition Katabatic trailer

Hi-Rez Studios releases a new single-purchase option for Tribes: Ascend on Friday, Februrary 15, 2013.

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Tribes: Ascend Accelerate update trailer

Tribes: Ascend gets its fifth update by kicking the game up a notch with its new Accelerate update.

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Tribes: Ascend Raid and Pillage update preview trailer

Hi-Rez studios takes a look at the Raid and Pillage update for Tribes: Ascend.

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Tribes: Ascend capture the flag intro trailer

Learn to be a refined capture the flag player in the free-to-play Tribes: Ascend.

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Tribes: Ascend launch trailer

Tribes: Ascend launches with a look at custom servers available for players to host their very own game types.

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Tribes: Ascend Cloak and Dagger update trailer

What type of changes can you expect in the Cloak and Dagger update for Tribes: Ascend? Watch to find out!

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Tribes: Ascend Ilama Island trailer

Tribes: Ascend is the self-described fastest first person shooter available, with the best price available: free!

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Tribes: Ascend 'Focus' Trailer

The free-to-play Tribes: Ascend continues the proud legacy of eSports and Starsiege: Tribes and has been selected as a North American Star League (NASL) promotional title for the third season.