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X-COM-Inspired Phoenix Point Kicks Off Fig Crowdfunding Drive

By John Keefer, Apr 25, 2017 9:00am PDT

This is based on the original X-COM from Microprose and Hasbro back in the 1990s, with a little inspiration drawn from the Firaxis reboots.


"I'm somewhat in this boat, but the procedural generated stuff part excites me."

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XCOM creator's 'Chaos Reborn' prototype playable in-browser

By Steve Watts, Apr 14, 2014 12:00pm PDT

The prototype for XCOM creator Julian Gollop's crowd-funded game Chaos Reborn is now playable in-browser.


"Looks cool, but the testimonial from Ken Levine is kinda weird."

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XCOM creator launches crowd-funding for Chaos Reborn

By Steve Watts, Mar 18, 2014 7:30am PDT

XCOM: UFO Defense creator Julian Gollop has launched a crowd-funding campaign for his next game. It's called Chaos Reborn, and is a reboot of his 1985 ZX Spectrum game Chaos: The Battle of the Wizards.