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Tales From the Borderlands announcement trailer

Telltale Games teams up with Gearbox to flesh out Pandora a tad more with Tales From the Borderlands for consoles, PC and Mac, along with mobile devices in 2014.

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Aliens: Colonial Marines launch trailer

The Xenomorph threat strikes back as the crew of the Sulaco comes under heavy fire in Aliens: Colonial Marines.

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Aliens: Colonial Marines Contact extended cut trailer

Watch the 2:30 minute extended cut of the Contact trailer for Aliens: Colonial Marines.

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Borderlands Legends iOS update trailer

Borderlands Legends adds new features and weapons, along with refined gameplay controls.

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Aliens: Colonial Marines pre-order trailer

Pre-order Aliens: Colonial Marines for access to exclusive weapons and characters as you take on the acidic xenomorphs.

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Aliens: Colonial Marines Hadley's Hope concept trailer

Travel inside the Hadley's Hope to get your first look at the interior of the ship.

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Aliens: Colonial Marines Survivor multiplayer trailer

Stand your ground and survive until the last man standing as waves of gruesome creatures in Aliens: Colonial Marines.

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Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty DLC trailer

Join the merry Captain Scarlett in Borderlands 2's first add-on mini-campaign.

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Borderlands 2 launch trailer

Meet some of the many things you'll kill when Borderlands 2 launches for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on September 18.

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Borderlands 2 an introduction by Sir Hammerlock trailer

Sir Hammerlock introduces us to the many wonders coming to the Borderlands in Gearbox's FPS-RPG sequel.

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Aliens: Colonial Marines 'Contact' Trailer

The Colonial Marines make contact with some rather unfriendly lifeforms in this cinematic trailer.

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Aliens: Infestation 'Launch' Trailer

Xenomorphs invade the Nintendo DS, bursting chests everywhere on October 4, 2011.

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Aliens: Colonial Marines 'E3 2011 walkthrough' Trailer

CEO Randy Pitchford freaks out that his Gearbox Software is making a proper follow-up to the Aliens movies in Aliens: Colonial Marines. Enjoy an 11-minute walkthrough of the E3 2011 demo.

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Aliens: Infestation 'Gameplay' Trailer

Tune into the new gameplay trailer for Aliens: Infestation, filled to the brim with acidic xenomorph.

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Aliens: Infestation 'Debut' Trailer

Storm the Aliens universe on your Nintendo DS handheld and lead a team of specialized Colonial Marines take on a xenomorph outbreak.