Bungie Aerospace


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Bungie Aerospace revealed

By Andrew Yoon, Jun 30, 2011 7:30am PDT

Bungie, creator of the Halo series, has finally detailed Bungie Aerospace -- and it's not quite what anyone expected.


"Bungie translation "We want to be the Valve Software of the mobile com community""

- cell9song see all 35 comments

Bungie releases iPhone app, teases Bungie Aerospace

By Steve Watts, Jun 14, 2011 9:45am PDT

Bungie has released its own iPhone app for checking on Bungie.net on the go, and teased a reveal for Bungie Aerospace in the coming weeks.


"Just make sure you do some sort of a countdown clock until the day when you can tease the teaser ..."

- xsikal see all 3 comments
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