Bennett Foddy


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Pain For Fun: Using games to explore the thrill of suffering

By Andrew Yoon, Jan 25, 2013 3:00pm PST

“I'm going to try and convince you to put more suffering in your games," Bennett Foddy told an audience of independent developers at this year's IndieCade festival.


"Normal tracks I would agree with you but the gigatracks definitely not. The Gigatracks are just ..."

- TheEmissary see all 6 comments

CLOP is QWOP with a unicorn

By Alice O'Connor, Aug 03, 2012 9:00am PDT

Bennett Foddy has delighted, confounded and infuriated with QWOP and GIRP, and now he's returning with CLOP. The "direct sequel to QWOP" gives you four limbs to control rather than two, as you're now a unicorn trotting over a hill to reach a virtuous maiden. And that's all. ...


"wow so much easier than QWOP. I got about halfway just pounding the keys in order (HJKL)"

- judge see all 11 comments
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