Aardvark the Forgetful Editor

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  • I think the shack Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword PitBoss game is the best shack thing I've participated in so far (other than the shackmeet at Korban's when ThomW molested Mario with the p2 Wiimote while I was checking out Super Mario Galaxy). The game been going on for months now and it's still only AD 560. It's making a real impression on me, forming some deep-rooted animosity toward my fellow shackers that I may never recover from. I'll always think OverloadUT as the raving Viking bastard he is, invading the peaceful Dutch homeland with his legions of Swordsmen. Die. And I'll always laugh at zanzares for choosing the French. I mean, really, man... the French?

    Also, I never thought shackers could stick with one game for this long.