Aardvark the Forgetful Editor

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  • My first memory is playing Barnstormer on an Atari as a really little kid. I loved that game and wrecked many a plane! The Atari was my Uncles and he was the king of Pac-Man to me anyway, but barnstormer was my game. I think those are the only two games I remember from back then.

    As far as my own system, my first was my Tandy TRS80 - I had no floppy drives, all the games were on cassette tape. I remember several text based games, and Zaxxon and many others. I am STILL mad that I never beat three of the text games, one was called Pyramid, Bedlam, and one I do not know the name of but I can remember the setting and even the rooms as they were described. You had to get a key from the grandfather clock upstairs, move a rug to open a trapdoor to the basement, move a bookshelf and then you found a time machine or teleporter that move you to an island. Man, that was a long time ago to remember so much of that game.

    I'm not 30 and reading some of the other comments make me feel ancient!

    PS - I'd be interested in MOH Airborne for the PC.