Guitar Hero DLC: Nine Inch Nails, A Day to Remember, HIM and More

A trio of tracks from veteran sulkers Nine Inch Nails are coming to Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock today as part of a ten-pack mega-pack of downloadable content, including that song with the rude bit. You know the one. Trent and the gang are joined by A Day to Remember, The Damned Things, Hawthorne Heights, HIM and The Used.

Tracks will cost $2 (160 Microsoft Points; 200 Wii Points) a pop but if your tastes are a little eclectic, you can buy the whole lot for $18 (1440 MS Points; 1800 Wii Points).

    January Mega Pack
    • Nine Inch Nails - 'Head Like a Hole'
    • Nine Inch Nails - 'The Hand That Feeds'
    • Nine Inch Nails - 'Closer'
    • A Day to Remember - 'All I Want'
    • A Day to Remember - '2nd Sucks'
    • A Day to Remember - 'The Downfall of Us All'
    • The Damned Things - 'We've Got a Situation Here'
    • Hawthorne Heights - 'Rescue Me'
    • HIM - 'Wings of a Butterfly'
    • The Used - 'Buried Myself Alive'

If you find this track pack overwhelmingly irresistible but don't own Warriors of Rock, you'll be glad to hear that the game has received a $10 price cut, as has DJ Hero 2.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    January 11, 2011 4:48 PM

    i take it that i cant buy play these tracks on guitar hero world tour? or any other previous version of the game?

    • reply
      January 12, 2011 8:03 AM

      Now why would Neversoft allow you to do something so reasonable?

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