Brink Dev Diary Trailer Gets All Arty

"You look at any screenshot of Brink, you know it's Brink," creative director Richard Ham enthuses in a new developer diary focusing on the attractive exaggerated art style of Splash Damage's shooter. "It can't be mistaken for anything else."

"You look at any screenshot of Brink, you know it's Brink," creative director Richard Ham enthuses in a new developer diary focusing on the attractive exaggerated art style of Splash Damage's shooter. "It can't be mistaken for anything else."

The rest of the Splash Damage gang is on hand to discuss the look too, covering topics from its influences and how it affects gameplay to motion-capturing facial expressions.

Brink is slated for release on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in spring 2011, published by Bethesda. Pre-ordering can net you an exclusive weapon and a handful of extra customisation options to make your stylish character even prettier.

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