Morning Discussion: Post-It From America

From The Chatty
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    September 4, 2009 7:06 AM


    What's the point of Hammerstorm? He seems like he might hit pretty hard but compared to someone like Pebbles he's so inferior. Also how do I properly play Andromeda? And is the point of her replace just like Krakens Whirlpool?

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 7:07 AM


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      September 4, 2009 7:08 AM

      Uhmm hitting pretty hard is an understatement. Stack his strength, get crit, lategame you can splash crit for 2k+ when your ult is up.

      The point of her replace is just like krakens whirlpool, just far easier to control and a single target only.

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 7:09 AM

        I guess it's just that he's SOOOOO f'ing slow and building up to that point never seems to happen. So he's just very very late game. I was going with two bracelets, helm of black legoin then towards behemoths?

        Something else?

        • reply
          September 4, 2009 7:10 AM


          • reply
            September 4, 2009 7:10 AM

            so what's the priority then? I mean a behemoths heart is something you usually don't get until the final push :(

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          September 4, 2009 7:19 AM

          Pro Hammerstorm Build:

          2x Bracelets to start (minus the recipes) + Runes of blight
          Finish steamboots
          ---> Late game Items (Rift Shards -> Flayer, Behemoths Heart, Daemonic Breastplate)

          Skill build:
          Armor Aura
          Armor Aura
          Armor Aura
          Armor Aura
          Stats to close

          The bracers and stats help pump your hp early so you shouldn't need to get helm of the black legion as well as pumping your mana so you should be able to ult and stun twice at level 7. You should have around 1100 hp at 7 or 8, and if you drop your ult and stun then with warpcleft you can destroy any hero, tanks included, at will until they get lategame items. If you're not in danger of being hurt and your team already has a tank, get flayer as your first lategame item. Generally speaking I get behemoths heart because if you get it early enough NOBODY can stand your damage long enough to really hurt you. Heart gives you something like 35 str, which helps your ult as well, and all the HP you need.

          Other builds will recommend getting runed axe which isn't a bad idea if you have enough support to disable the other team long enough for you to get swings in. Generally speaking you'll get targeted first if you get runed axes because you're hero is paper thin lategame if you don't have a heart and breastplate. Hammerstorm has extremely high damage output but does not tank very well without item support. If you have trouble early you can swap one of the stats for the first level of armor aura, but i wouldn't advise getting more than one point early because stats pay off in spades.

          • reply
            September 4, 2009 7:21 AM

            see you don't go any kind of regen item until super late game - what do you do about health regen once your 6 runes run out super quickly?

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              September 4, 2009 7:25 AM

              Don't take damage by doing dumb stuff.

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                September 4, 2009 7:28 AM

                This is why its called the Pro build. You have to know when and where you can take damage. Also, when you have 1100 health (and implied higher regen due to higher str) you have a little more flexibility. This build operates on the idea that you can kill them faster than they can kill you, so you're going to get hurt but generally walk away with a couple hundred hp after the other guy is dead. Two stuns is something like 350 damage or so after resistances, plus any hits from your ult + warpcleft. The whole idea is taht you can POUR out damage so fast that they can't take it. They don't have time to hit you if they want to live, so they run. Thats when your second stun hits and you drop another 2 hits on them, usually around 200 damage each.

                Early game he is a glass cannon operating under the premise that he kills you faster than you kill him.

                • reply
                  September 4, 2009 7:31 AM

                  ex. laning against defiler, she waves every chance she gets constantly knocking me down for 1-200 a pop. You eat through runes like that super fast if you are trying to deny/last hit with any level of efficiency

                  • reply
                    September 4, 2009 7:34 AM

                    You have to learn to stay back outside of the range of the wave. You gain nothing by going in because you take way too long to kill creeps. When you have a shot, run in and drop a stun on her. Attack her 1-2 times and chase her away. If she stays, drop your other stun on her and whale away. If you're <lvl 6 you should still do plenty of damage that this should kill her. If it doesn't, rinse and repeat until it works. You have more max hp so you can take more harassment. If you avoid her waves and then charge in she'll learn quick to stay the hell away from you.

                    • reply
                      September 4, 2009 7:38 AM

                      but that lets her push so close to the tower and really fuck it up quickly. it's just the price you pay? I'd think the tower is more important than me because the tower gives their whole team gold and I just feed one person.

                      • reply
                        September 4, 2009 7:44 AM

                        The towers are going to die eventually, you can't control that playing against defiler. Letting her push up close to the tower doesn't kill the tower significantly faster from 2-3 creep hits each wave. When the creep come up just hit them and pull them back to the next tower so the first one isn't taking damage. The only way the towers really going to get hurt is her ult. When she ults early, your ult and stuns should be able to drop her damned quickly.

                      • reply
                        September 4, 2009 7:45 AM

                        Having her stunned near a tower = gg.

                        She will push anyway. That is what she does.

                    • reply
                      September 4, 2009 8:52 AM

                      I struggle with this too. Does this essentially mean you get 0 last hits unless you get a successful gank? How do you possibly afford the items on a reasonable time frame.

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                        September 4, 2009 8:57 AM

                        If you're having trouble getting gold then switch up lanes to bring someone who can harass or call in a gank.

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                        September 4, 2009 8:57 AM

                        If you're playing against defiler you're naturally getting less last hits. The idea is to scare the shit out of her with your stun since it does the same damage as her nuke, but you get extra hits off when she's stunned and you can absorb damage better than her. Harass her with this to keep her low enough to get last hits or get her ass back to the fountain so you can get last hits. Hammerstorm is one of the easier heroes to get last hits with since he has a real easy animation and great damage (especially with bracers and stats). The warpcleft is the only thing that is a struggle to get. Generally I'll pop my ult against a tower to get the last 600 gold or so for this, then once you get warpcleft (or later splash) the money just rolls in.

                  • reply
                    September 4, 2009 7:37 AM

                    you can't deny/ last hit with hammerstorm vs. defiler just don't die or change lanes.

            • reply
              September 4, 2009 7:27 AM

              If you run out of 6 runes super quickly you are doing something wrong.

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                September 4, 2009 7:29 AM

                I love it when I have a bunch left over late game and go around eating up Keeper's eye trees. RAWR NOM NOM.

                • reply
                  September 4, 2009 8:06 AM

                  I usually eat them pretty fast, so am doing things wrong too, whehe.

          • reply
            September 4, 2009 7:47 AM

            nice build mcpants.

            An important thing about hammerstorm is that his ult lasts 25 seconds so there's almost no downtime to it, you can pop it pretty often.

            by level 7-8 you can tank a tower alone with your ult, which gives you a good pushing advantage vs. late-game carries that are still too weak. If your team is pushing well you can pop an ult to get a tower faster than 5 other heroes by level 15+. Great for when you want to get the racks down fast also. And it's not like you're wasting your ult because it comes back so fast.

            Your stun also allows great gank support and your damage output can lead you to be a str carry.

            I generally will vary my build depending on my team and the opponent team. STart with same one as mcpants then, If they have lots of agility I'll get the Helm of black legion anyways for regen and it just has more impact vs. faster hitting heroes. Usually I'll go for lifesteal aura becaue it gives enough mana regen for the entire game + lifesteal + damage, also it builds up nicely (lots of small pieces)

            Then heart also.

            • reply
              September 4, 2009 7:51 AM

              Ahh yeah. I forgot to mention that I'll generally get whispering helm after i finish my steamboots so you don't have to go back to the fountain if you're hurt.

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 7:14 AM

        I played a game last night where I was Defiler, and I saw this "Andromeda" hero get picked right before me. I didn't have time to read her skills and it took about 25 minutes into the game before I realized it was VS. I love how people pick her, and then swap out at a tower, or stun first and then swap. amazing.

        Anyhoo, I destroyer the whole game with my silence, and laughed when I would quickly rape her with my ult. I can't wait to play as her though.

        • reply
          September 4, 2009 7:20 AM

          defiler is one of my most UNFAVORITE people to lane/play against. The size of area covered by her super spammy wave of death is HUGE. Very hard (nigh impossible) early game to escape it even when you know it's coming. And her ult is just rape since disabling her doesn't stop it in any way.

          Outside of a shaman's what do you get to counter her? Hellflower and try to silence? Once the ghosts are up not much you can do except try and burn her down ASAP right?

          • reply
            September 4, 2009 7:24 AM

            jereziah's protective charm renders her almost completely useless. and, unless she has a behemoth's heart, she's pretty fragile. shrunken head gives magic immunity, yes? that helps too.
            and yes, I think once the ghosts go up your balls must be equally out and go after her.

            • reply
              September 4, 2009 7:46 AM

              I think the ghosts from her ult do normal damage not magic damage so why would charm protect there?

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                September 4, 2009 8:54 AM

                It doesn't. She's op.

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                  September 4, 2009 9:42 AM

                  people said the same thing about her in DOTA. Her and Nercolyte were so OP...they're great heroes but OP? not sure about that

                  • reply
                    September 4, 2009 9:44 AM


                    • reply
                      September 4, 2009 9:55 AM

                      i know. when do you get home from work gargs? lets play

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                    September 4, 2009 9:53 AM

                    They're just easy to use and that's all people see. OMG DEFILER RUINING MY SHIT CUZ HER ULT SO OP OMG. stop to think why you didn't kill her while her ult was on CD, since all she has is silence and a piddly wave to stop you.

                  • reply
                    September 4, 2009 10:30 AM

                    I'm not even saying theres anything wrong with that. Someone has to be overpowered. She seems to me to just be inherently stronger. Thats just a gut feeling, I have no statistical analysis to back it up. But it would not suprise me to see a stat like 55% of the time the team with defiler wins or something.

                    • reply
                      September 4, 2009 10:32 AM

                      I've said it before and I'll say it again, the correct hero counters for her are not in the game. It was this way for several other heroes earlier that you constantly saw being picked, but now as the hero selection expands you'll see less and less of her.

                • reply
                  September 4, 2009 4:21 PM

                  It does too. Her Ult will hurt through Jerez Repel, also, i believe even her wave spell hurts through it. But I know her ult does.

                  • reply
                    September 4, 2009 4:22 PM

                    Whoops misunderstood your doesnt, get it now..

          • reply
            September 4, 2009 7:32 AM


            • reply
              September 4, 2009 7:36 AM

              What is a good Defiler build? I played her for the first time yesterday and did pretty well not knowing anything about her.

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                September 4, 2009 7:37 AM

                sac stone

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                September 4, 2009 7:47 AM

                yeah M*sync is right. You gotta go Sac Stone first, and then you can do whatever you want after that. I did Sac Stone, BoT, and Frostshield. Basically that gave me what I needed to survive, and I was working on a portal key when the game ended.

                What was funny was that my team wanted to quit because our towers were pushed in, but I denied conceding because I knew that with 2 tanks and me we basically had end game wrapped up if we could make it there.

                Defiler is a farming beast, and her ULT cooldown is way short.

              • reply
                September 4, 2009 7:58 AM

                I love Defiler.

                I go Bottle to start. Get marchers, grind a soulstone out, and then grab two bracers. Then I work towards a Sac Stone and sell my bottle. Then I get my Post Haste, finally I grab a Frostfield Plate for AOE support to synergize with the ghosts on pushes...makes for a fantastic team player.

                • reply
                  September 4, 2009 7:59 AM

                  synergize, really?

                  • reply
                    September 4, 2009 8:08 AM

                    I meant like....your role as a pusher and persistent damage to an AOE. Frostfield gives you armor to stay in the scrum while pushing and with the frostfield active you have another fantastic AOE debuff skill.

                    My favorite role of defiler is that of one right on the outside of a base tower with their team, popping her ult and alowing a push on the rax.

          • reply
            September 4, 2009 7:45 AM

            depends on your situation but she can be countered with someone like Bloodseeker really well - blood frenzy for full silence and either rupture or go in hot. Initiate against her with a pudge hook or an Arachna spider and she goes down very fast. Whatever the scenario, she's your focus target in a team scrum because her ult will sit there and do persistent damage to both your buildings and your team so she needs to be taken out or isolated immediately.

        • reply
          September 4, 2009 7:27 AM


    • reply
      September 4, 2009 7:11 AM

      Hammerstorm looks like a not-very-item-dependent pusher. I've never seen him played well, though. Never played him myself, either.

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 7:13 AM


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        September 4, 2009 7:20 AM

        He's only a glass cannon if you don't get his heart and breastplate. Thus skip the runed axes because you already have splash and make yourself useful. See post above.

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 7:20 AM

      Andromeda's swap has numerous advantages over Kraken's whirlpool. Primarily - it's instantaneous. As long as they are in range, they get swapped. It's great for chasing, and early game you can use it to swap someone into your tower. Follow it quickly with a lvl 4 comet and they're in a world of hurt. It's a sick gank initiator (swap a lone hero into a crowd of his enemies) and doubled up with an assassin's shroud, you can even use it to pull someone out of a crowd to start a team battle with the advantage.

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 7:22 AM

        i didn't test but do they remain your target when you swap - so you can quickly hit 'R' then 'Q' ?

        i be bad clicker!

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 7:21 AM

      Andromeda is a disabler/teambuffer. Your aura and amor debuff will increase your team's damage output. Your stun and ult will disable whatever is needed. Seems like dressing her to increase one (or both) or those rolls works best. Meaning: shieldbreaker + armor debuff for max DPS, or disabling items for a double cc for max control.

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 7:24 AM


    • reply
      September 4, 2009 7:28 AM

      He could use the much faster AoE stun and the active aura Sven has. Hammerstorm does not compare to Sven.

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 7:35 AM

        Since when did Sven get an AOE stun? Granted I haven't played DOTA since HoN came out.

        • reply
          September 4, 2009 12:11 PM

          Svens stun was AOE long before HoN

          • reply
            September 4, 2009 12:26 PM

            since when? 6.60? maybe for you thats long before HoN, but thats when I started playing. It wasn't AoE before that.

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 7:48 AM

      I have never once seen a good Hammerstorm. I think he just doesn't click with most players. And the other heroes appear to be more user friendly.

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 7:53 AM

      oh god it's back up get in get in

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        September 4, 2009 7:54 AM

        do invites and whispers work yet

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 7:59 AM

        after lunch my good man I'm getting a couple of games in because work lets out early. Woot!

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        September 4, 2009 8:03 AM

        baby is a wake!

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        September 4, 2009 8:07 AM

        just in time to end work and go home

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        September 4, 2009 8:17 AM

        I wanted to play last night but i got dc and let shackers down ;( i was back up to the 1700's too

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 8:12 AM


      • reply
        September 4, 2009 8:19 AM

        2x bracelets
        enhanced marchers
        helm of black legion
        behemoths / runed axe

        • reply
          September 4, 2009 8:24 AM

          switch out the bracelets for a RoT

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            September 4, 2009 8:26 AM

            yea i kind of just default to 2 bracers on EVERYONE

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 8:25 AM

        warpclef+phaseboots usually means death for them. His slow coupled with his fast movespeed he can chase someone down and gradually kill them.

        My builds are mostly different from your cookie cutter shack builds as i usually go 2x ring of regen first on him and then depending how well im creep killing?denying i stay in the lane until i can build abyssal skull or shaman headdress because within 1minute all i need is

        helm:950 vs lifesteal:900
        chest:450 ring of regen + recipe 1500 totaly.

        so in the end same price or so

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 8:19 AM

      Is it me or does Zephyr's cyclones need to be reworked? They almost seem mildly retarded. I have had them spawn while I am creeping and go around the tree line and not help in a fight because of some weird pathing. I don't appreciate that they don't catch up with you when you leap forward fast enough, so that when you are chasing they can't do AOE damage. I mean it is great when you are low hp and being chased because it fucks someone up, but I would also like a forward cyclone. They should make the cyclones work like a mini Defiler ult. always around you and not stopped by trees, just rework the area that they can work in.

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 9:41 AM


        • reply
          September 4, 2009 9:53 AM

          Zeph in late game can be pretty sick. Esp. if he's jungling which makes another solo lane.

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 8:26 AM

      hon character sound replacements

      300 - Announcer as Announcer from TF2 + selected TF2 game sounds

      200 - Scout as Scout from TF2
      201 - Chronos as Zealot from Starcraft
      202 - Accursed as Firebat from Starcraft
      203 - Jereziah as Jim Raynor (marine) from Starcraft
      204 - Devourer as Tourettes Guy (Warning: cursing and bad words!!!)
      205 - Legionnaire as Heavy from TF2
      206 - Nighthound as Dark Templar from Starcraft
      207 - The Dark Lady as Kerrigan (Zerg) from Starcraft
      208 - Electrician as Science Vessel from Starcraft
      209 - The Madman as Ghost from Starcraft
      210 - Slither as Hydralisk from Starcraft
      211 - Hammerstorm as Demoman from TF2

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 8:31 AM

        I'm trying to replace a lot of the sounds that are considered annoying (madman screaming, electrician in general) so suggest any ideas in here. also more games i can get source material from. already tried Dawn of War 2 and their source files are basically unconvertible even after I extracted them (.fbs sound files if anyone wants to research that for me, feel free. I found a little indie java program that claims it works but it doesn't as far as I know. the program used to make these files is called Fmod but I have no idea how it works, apparently it's a profressional free audio tool.)

        • reply
          September 4, 2009 4:19 PM

          Okay with some help from Razzle I got the DoW2 sounds working. Expect to see Jereziah -> Apothecary soonish... I have to sort through 800 essentially unnamed sound files for the apothecary only.

          • reply
            September 4, 2009 5:53 PM


            Chronos is awesome btw. Also i think Pyro deserves to be firebat from sc

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 8:43 AM


        • reply
          September 4, 2009 9:53 AM

          Yeah, Lego is my fav. I had to remove the TF2 announcer because of that annoying wail she does for the OWNING! sound. If that gets changed to something else, I'll probably switch back.

          Also, devourer as tourettes guy just isn't doing it for me. Plan on doing any others?

          • reply
            September 4, 2009 3:22 PM

            Yeah I didn't have much choice for those sounds since I had to grab so many. I'll have to change the concept a bit if I want to get rid of those. Honestly it doesn't happen too much so that's why I haven't bothered to change it yet. I'll probably make a second altered version. I need to ask Jason a few things first to start working on it though.

            Don't feel obligated to use every sound pack, even I don't use Legionnaire (cause I like his voice a lot anyways, Zebo asked for it so I did it. Tourettes guy was kind of a joke anyways. I usually laugh when he dies and yells FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK THIS IS BULLSHIT!).

            Thanks for the feedback.

            • reply
              September 4, 2009 5:31 PM

              Yeah I took off devourer and TF2 announcer. Using all the rest and loving them. Keep up the good work!

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 8:46 AM


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        September 4, 2009 8:56 AM


      • reply
        September 4, 2009 8:56 AM

        Electrician as Sci Vessel, lol great choice there.

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 9:55 AM

      Ok, I fucking give up on Wildsoul. I just can't make him viable. I went 2/6 with him again last night. I just have to accept that I'm not pro enough to handle more than one hero at a time.

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 10:00 AM

        I'm the wrong person probably to ask about Wildsoul because I play him totally different from standard but I like playing him as a pusher/ damage and entangle tank.

        I give Wildsoul Steamboots, 2 bracers, Helm of the Dominator, and Assault Cuirass (In bear form it's like fuckin 36 armor :) ) and Booboo Steamboots and Hyperstone when you can.

        I usually stay in maxed bear form and cast Wild passive on Booboo and I in team battles or pushes so we're both running around fast as shit with tons of HP and armor slamming towers, absorbing dmg, and entangling/dps'ing enemies. With soul link you can maipulate your HP to stay alive by balancing it with Booboo's becasue they won't even bother attacking the bear, but it's suprising how beefy you both are and by then the attack speed is insane proc'ing entangle like crazy and booboo does ridciulous native damage to buildings.

        I'm sure there's better ways of playing him but I've found it works well.

        • reply
          September 4, 2009 10:04 AM

          thats pretty much how I do it, except more focus on damage than tanking because you're an AGI hero. Also i tend to get abyssal on him so the bear can tank.

          • reply
            September 4, 2009 2:12 PM

            I was going to do that actually but someone told me it's bugged in HoN so that whoever you're hitting with bear gets lifesteal? something weird

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 10:27 AM

        Just leave booboo in the woods until you get him lvl 3, at lvl 3, you send him at the enemy hero from the back while you and lane partner rush in from front. You pray for a proc on the entangle (or hope you lane w/ multisync) for the easy kill. It was pretty lol slaughtering int heros at will because booboo's proc would go off. As the game goes on, pile the items on booboo. Warpcleft, mock, boots, gloves of the swift, etc. Remember that booboo does damage to you when he dies so send him to pool and buy items when he's low. Hit Q and he's back at your side. Pretty awesome.

        I, on advice from the pubbie, put mock on boobooo and I was chasing AR. I couldn't catch him, but mock got him

        • reply
          September 4, 2009 10:31 AM

          the only thing you have to be careful about with this build is that your hero becomes very fragile. Booboo is a beast, but the enemy team will ignore booboo and kill your Wildsoul and that doesn't do you much good.

          • reply
            September 4, 2009 10:34 AM

            This I my problem. Booboo is a fucking train but I'm horrible at keeping wildsoul alive.

            • reply
              September 4, 2009 10:42 AM

              damage + lifesteal + attack speed. That way booboo can be a train, but wildsoul also puts out damage and manages to stay alive.

              • reply
                September 4, 2009 11:19 AM

                Ok, this is how I've been playing. Tell me how wrong I am.

                I start by buying the +2 hp regen aura and booboo. As I level up, I keep upgrading booboo and the kindred spirit (or whatever it's called). After I've maxed those two I then start upgrading Wild. Then I go for the ult and stats.

                While doing this, I start building steamboots for booboo and then a demonic breastplate. While working on these, I keep just the +2 hp regen aura item on Wildsoul and sometimes regular boots. After I've made the demonic breastplate, I try to finish up steamboots on Wildsoul. After that, I have no clue what to get, not to mention I die so much I don't usually get a chance for much more.

                Should I just stop playing wildsoul? :(

                • reply
                  September 4, 2009 11:34 AM

                  don't get the regen aura item, its a support item. As an agi hero you're supposed to go pure selfishness and get items to stack your shit. If you need regen your first though should be lifesteal.

                  Booboo doesn't need steamboots, just regular boots and a warpcleft. You may need to get wildsoul steamboots before you get either of those for booboo. You can't wait that long to get steamboots for your wildsoul. Just because booboo is pimp doesn't mean he's your hero, wildsoul is what determines when you die.

                  Start with booboo and the passive skill. After that finish the active berserk abilitiy, and get the ult when you feel you'll start to use it. I generally don't use the ult until I have abyssal or i'm 11+ because the range is really helpful.

                  • reply
                    September 4, 2009 11:57 AM

                    Ok I'll try this out. Thanks for the tips.

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 9:56 AM


        • reply
          September 4, 2009 10:22 AM

          Also barbed armor as your plan will be to get the enemy team to chase and attack you from behind.

          • reply
            September 4, 2009 11:19 AM

            mantrain with me up front? SOUNDS LIKE MY HERO!

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 10:54 AM

        Played Armadon awhile back, liked him alot but you don´t see him getting picked that often in games...

        • reply
          September 4, 2009 11:09 AM

          Probably because people don't know how to use him.

        • reply
          September 4, 2009 11:33 AM

          people skip him because folks like "nukes" and damage spells althoigh he can kill heroes he has no big spells except slot. If you think about it hes similar to arachna snot/web.

      • reply
        September 4, 2009 11:48 AM


    • reply
      September 4, 2009 11:38 AM

      RD team building strategies? It seems like 'pick who you are good with' really means dick. I'm consistently getting put up against stun heavy teams and (pubs especially) if you have the suns - you've won it before the game starts

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 11:44 AM

      Just had a pretty good game with Hammerstorm. I agree that he's inferior to Pebbles, but I do love his stun and Ult + Elder Parasite.

    • reply
      September 4, 2009 3:23 PM


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