RACE Pro Out In January; Demo Before Christmas


SimBin's Xbox 360 racing simulator RACE Pro will be released next January, publisher Atari announced today. The game was originally announced with a fall '08 release date.

In addition to the delay, Atari noted that a demo featuring singleplayer and online modes will appear on the Xbox Live Marketplace before Christmas.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    September 15, 2008 4:30 AM

    is it me or are driving games apparently easy to make? they seem to be churning out a new one every other week.

    • reply
      September 15, 2008 5:27 AM

      As with all real world sims, you can only make things 'look' so good before you reach near-accurate visuals and then you have to deal with the physics engines, which have been approaching pro race team levels of simulation for 10 years so there's only so far you can go with that too.

      So, basically, once you have the majority of your engine and visuals already done for you in the previous year, you can only improve it so much when you're striving for an upper limit of realistic.

      • reply
        September 15, 2008 7:04 AM

        I've played Race Pro and I think they have approched the upper limit of ralistic driving in a way that it's not funny anymore to play the game.

        Simbin has driven its engine so far that the car, tires, physics are so accurately simulated that the player is in desparate need for another input channel in order to master the game: inertia, g-force,... Basically all that Race Driver Stuck summarizes as the "ass-o-meter".

        I'm not a great, but a good sim race driver. But in this game the only chance to not understeer out of a corner was either to drive too slow or to drive like an absolute expert. The line was just too thin. I found myself in the gravel in almost every corner.

        I think they've stretched the "sim" a bit too much.

        • reply
          September 15, 2008 7:04 AM

          P.S. That was a Beta at GC2008. So YMMW.

    • reply
      September 15, 2008 6:12 AM


    • reply
      September 15, 2008 7:05 AM

      Kinda. You and your friends can decide to race around a parking lot, but its not F1. At a certain point, racing games get very very difficult. Once you have the car models down (easy), and the physics(not so easy) you still have to worry about stuff like the actual rules of racing. And thats something that almost every game so far has completely ignored. F1:CE tried. GT5:P and Forza just ignored rules all together. GRID tossed them out the window. Hopefully Race Pro will take a shot at adding 'racing' to racing games.

      • reply
        September 15, 2008 12:49 PM

        You mean like penalties for skipping a corner etc?

        Btw, speaking of F1 - has there been any news on the F1 game that Codemasters is currently developing?

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