The Interrogation - Detroit: Become Human

Get 100 percent completion and unlock all endings in Interrogation of Detroit: Become Human.


This walkthrough will help players earn 100 percent completion and unlock all endings in the Interrogation chapter of Detroit: Become Human. This is one of the first chapters that can be missing from a playthrough depending on the choices made in earlier chapters. This chapter can also have an impact on events that take place after it.

The Interrogation: 100 Percent Completion

The 100% complete flowchart for The Interrogation.

There are several interlocking branching points in The Interrogation, the likes of which lead to four distinct endings. Of course, the availability of the chapter itself is dependent on whether or not players found the suspect in the chapter Partners. Assuming they did, they'll have a few different directions they can take the suspect's interrogation.

Chapter prerequisite: suspect found in Partners

Observation Room
Interrogation Room
Action Analyze android
Action Analyze stress level
Action Analyze wounds
Action Review photos

Action Choose approach
Choice Probe memory
Fail Resist to probe
Pass Probe succeeds
Event Carlos flashback
Action Express regret
Event Android starts self-destructing
Choice Do nothing
Event Android smashed his head
Choice Intervene
Death Android shot Connor and itself
Choice Convince
Fail Convincing fails
Pass Convincing succeeds
Choice Maintain pressure
Choice Pressure
Choice Maintain pressure
Choice Give up
Choice Give up
Action Chris intervenes
Choice Give up
Event Android shoots Connor
Death Android shot Connor and itself
Choice Intervene
Event Android shot itself
Pass Android trusts Connor
Event Android was sent back to its cell

Event Android confesses
Event Android starts self-destructing
Choice Do nothing
Event Android smashed his head
Choice Intervene
Death Android shot Connor and itself
Event Chris intervenes
Choice Give up
Event Android shoots Connor
Death Android shot Connor and itself
Choice Intervene
Event Android shot itself
Pass Android trusts Connor
Event Android was sent back to its cell

The Interrogation: All Endings

Android Smashed His Head
This ending is only possible if Connor stressed the android out too much, then fails to get the confession. An easy way to get this is to pressure the android repeatedly until its stress level is too high, then probe its memory. Intentionally fail the probe QTE and Connor will give up, letting Chris come into the room. Do nothing and the android will smash its head into the table.

Android Shot Connor and Itself
This ending is obtained by stressing the android out far too much, then failing to get a confession. Try to pressure it until it’s close to the max, then probing its memory. Fail the QTE event related to probing. When Chris comes into the room, don’t intervene. The android will take the gun and shoot Connor and itself.

Android Shot Itself
This ending is possible if the Android’s stress level isn’t high and it doesn’t hate Connor. Apply some pressure but give up. Don’t probe its memory. When Connor fails to get the android to confess, Chris will intervene. Give up again and the android will shoot itself. Try to keep the android’s stress level at optimal or it will most likely shoot Connor as well.

Android was Sent Back to Its Cell
This would be the optimal ending in most runs. The idea here is to get the android’s stress level to about 50 percent (optimal), then convince it to confess. Sometimes a mean approach is necessary (to raise stress), and sometimes an understanding approach is necessary (to stop stress levels getting too high). If Connor can keep stress at an optimal level the android will confess. When Chris enters the room, Connor must intervene so that the android trusts Connor. It will then be sent back to its cell and available in Waiting for Hank. This ending unlocks a branch path in the chapter Last Chance, Connor.

Now that Interrogation is at 100 percent completion and all endings have been unlocked, head to the next chapter titled Fugitives. To skip to another part of the story completely, visit the Detroit: Become Human 100 percent walkthrough. In it will be instructions for 100 percent completion of all chapters and how to get each possible ending.

Managing Editor

Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He made his mark early in his career through guide writing and a deep understanding of editorial SEO. He enjoys putting in the work to create a great content, be it a wild feature or grinding out an in-depth collectible guide. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his articles.

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