New Destiny 2 Exotic Coldheart Introduces Potential Weapon Archetype

The Coldheart exotic introduces a new type of rifle that fires a constant beam of energy.


Destiny is exciting and fun to play with friends but let’s not kid ourselves: You’re playing it for the rare loot. The hidden quests for gear, hunt for various engrams, and the general mystery surrounding what drops could be around the corner is the lifeblood that keeps the energy high between firefights. Exotics are no doubt the cream of the crop and, via IGN, Bungie has revealed the Coldheart and it brings an all new weapon type to Destiny 2.

The trace rifle type is one that fires a constant straight precision beam that does more damage over time. The Coldheart is called such because it has a central section at its core with a blue-ish hue. That core is filled with liquid ammo that doubles as a coolant for the weapon.

The Coldheart will be the “first and only trace rifle” for players to use but the developer immediately adds that it has the potential to become another weapon archetype for the series. The origins of the weapon revolve around the technology used to render the rifle's beam.

“Building a projectile that is a beam that is persistent in the world and networked correctly in a game like Destiny is extremely complicated to do and something that we invested some time in,” says Bungie’s Senior Gameplay Designer Jon Weisnewski. “It’s new tech for the game, we made it, and we wanted to really showcase it with an awesome new gun for players to have.”

Thankfully, there are a couple ways for you to obtain this unique gun. The guaranteed route is via pre order but the video lets on that you’ll be able to earn it via gameplay as well. Destiny 2 shoots its way onto PS4 and Xbox One on September 6th and comes to PC on October 24th.

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